Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Field Service In French

This is Claude and Carol. They are the special pioneer couple that we worked with in French today. They have been special pioneers for 8 years. First in the English field and then in French. We will also be with them this Thursday doing some studies with them. Right now the French congregation has a Swahili Group. Since many that come from the Congo and various areas speak Swahili more then French. So they are unsure of the future of the French. But for now they work hard.
These two men are Jake's studies in the rurals. He had a great study yesterday. We won't share all the experiences since we will have nothing to share when we get home. But it was really nice. They love what they are learning and are eager to share with others.
I also had my study at the shops with Maria today which also was wonderful. Carol was upset that it is not in her territory so that she could do it. But she said she can see why it will be hard to leave her. We have definitely met some people that are hungry for the truth.

This is one of the CO's for english. Nata and Miriam. They are very sweet. He is a wonderful teacher. They have a very difficult life as CO's in Zim. It is not like the states at all. We look forward to sharing with you when we get home what a self sacrificing life that they have. 

Time is passing fast. We have two weeks. We will be taking a tour of Bethel this weekend and staying there for four days. So we look forward to that. Then the rest of the time is service. So we are excited that we are able to conduct our studies a few more times. We will share more as soon as we are able.


  1. That's so awesome! I can't believe how quickly time has passed by since you guys left! We can't wait to hear all about all your exgeperiences. Hopefully we'll have some to share too :) Our first day yesterday and I had to leave early because I am so sick! But hopefully getting better quickly :) Beijos e abracos!

  2. Can you find Stephanie in the last picture? Miss you guys! Keep up the good work..I know it will be hard to leave for you both.

  3. Enjoy your last 2 weeks! Looking forward to the rest of the story on all your stories! Maybe it will be done snowing here by the time you get back, hahaha 3 more inches on the way...
